Willis' Perpetual Motion
List of Patent Claims
Foreign Scientific Notes
Coal in a Curious Place
The Cotton Gin
The Chinese Yam
The Way to Keep a Razor Sharp
Mechanical Equivalents in Law
Flour and Bread, Bakers, Millers, &C
Pension for Propeller Improvements
Alder Flowers, Oak Bark, Swamp Maple, and Tartar in Dyeing Colors
How They Make Maccaroni
Breaking of Railway Car Axles
Time Ball Signals
Scott Russell Failed
Improved Brick Machine
The French Imperial Cradle
Saw Set or Circular Saws
Remarks on the Report of the Commissioner of Patents
Gold and its Uses.--No. 1
Recent American Patents
Important Patent Decision in the United States Supreme Court
Wonderful Presence of Mind of a Railroad Conductor
American Turret Clocks for Siam
Photographic Pictures on Silk
Selling Patent Property by Sample
Making a Needle
Recent Foreign Inventions
New System of Weights and Meauress
Stone Tortoises, Hyenas, &C
Important Items
Inventors, and Manufacturers