Lecture on Light
New Use for Gutta Peroha
Lubricating Oil
Lecture on the Gulf Stream
Sharpening Edged Tools
To Extract Grease From Cloth
New Governor for Marine Steam Engines
La Diorophe
Ballooning Extraordinary
Great Patent Case of Reapers
List of Patent Claims
Coals for London
Dean Cotton
Mineral Wealth of England
Mineral Wealth of Lake Superior Regious
New Method of Application for Artificial Heat
Treating Flannel to Prevent It from Fulling
Blueing White Paper
Mineral Wealth of Russia
Machines Wanted by Farmers
Austrian Electric Apparatus for Blasting
Coal in New Zealand
Youman's New Chart of Chemistry
Patent Mop Head
Life-Saving Apparatus
Inventions in the London Crystal Palace
The Mason Testimonial
The Properties and Effects of Steam
Dangers of Railroad Traveling
Recent American Patents
Preserving Animal and Vegetable Substances for Food
The Philosophy of Sneezing
Gas in Flushing
Recent Foreign Inventions
Alpine Ice
Important Items
Inventors, and Manufacturers