Paris Fuel Shops
Life Boat Ships
Steamboat Tonnage of the United States
What Labor Does
Salts for Stables
Enormous Railroad Scale
Education in New York City
Dry Kilns
Improved Ornamental Caster
Sugar Planters' Convention
A Worthy Example
Strong Decks for Ships
Remedy for Toothache
The Persia
California Items
List of Patent Claims
The Cold; the Cold
New York Docks
Alteration of Coast Lights
Robert Stephenson on Railways
Our Climate Not Changed
Cheap Steam Engines for Farmers
Sharpening Files by an Acid
The Teeth and Management of Circular Saws
Mechanical Ball
Fullers Earth
California Quicksilver
Ericsson's New Hot Air Engine
Paving Machine
The Compass and Iron Ships
The Engineer
Copper and its Uses
Exhibition of Inventions in London
Steam and Hot Air Condensers
Recent American Patents
Explorations in the Western Deserts
Lieutenant Maury
Recent Foreign Inventions
The Coal Trade for 1855
Singular Railroad Accidents
The Parker Water Wheel
Important Items
Inventors, and Manufacturers