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Scientific American - August 5, 1905 - Ice-Making by Electricity; Congo Pygmies

Scientific American - August 5, 1905 - Ice-Making by Electricity; Congo Pygmies

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SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - August 5, 1905 - Original complete issue

Cover Artwork: The new Japanese sister
battleships "Kashima" and "Katori". Articles Include:Protection against
Fire Damp Mechanical Stokers on Locomotives; Seawanhaka Cup Returns to
America; Wear of Car Wheels on Curves; The Lesson of the "Bennington"
Disaster; Yellow Fever Prevented by Mosquito Extermination; How the
Ancient Babylonians Drained Their City By Edgar James Banks; Ice-Making
by Electricity By Orrin E. Dunlap; The Improvement of the Ohio Canals By
W. Frank Mc Clure; Hollow Concrete Building Blocks: Their Manufacture and
Use By L. B. Powell; Electric Tempering of Tools; The Life History of a
Coral; The New Japanese Battleships; The Future University of California
By Enos Brown; Canals of Mars Photographed; The Pygmies of the Congo;
America's First Long-Distance Motor-Boat Race

Page size: Approx 16 x 11 inches.


Seawanhaka Cup Returns to America

Wear of Car Wheels on Curves

The Lesson of the "Bennington" Disaster

Mechanical Stokers on Locomotives

Protection against Fire Damp

How the Ancient Babylonians Drained Their City

Edgar James Banks

Yellow Fever Prevented by Mosquito Extermination

Ice-Making by Electricity

Orrin E. Dunlap

The Improvement of the Ohio Canals

W. Frank Mc Clure

Hollow Concrete Building Blocks: Their Manufacture and Use

L. B. Powell

Electric Tempering of Tools

The Life History of a Coral

The New Japanese Battleships

The Future University of California

Enos Brown

Canals of Mars Photographed

The Pygmies of the Congo

America's First Long-Distance Motor-Boat Race


Correspondence - August 5, 1905

Recently Patented Inventions - August 5, 1905

Notes and Queries - August 5, 1905

Business and Personal Wants

New Books, Etc. - August 5, 1905

Index of Inventions - August 5, 1905

Patents - August 5, 1905

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