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Nathaniel Low: Astronomical diary: or almanack for 1799, Boston

Nathaniel Low: Astronomical diary: or almanack for 1799, Boston

Regular price $57.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $57.00 USD
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astronomical diary: or almanack, for the year of Christian aera 1799. :
... Calculated for the meridian of Boston in America. Latitude 42
degrees, 23 minutes north. Longitude 70 deg. 37 min. 15 sec. west from
the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, in the kingdom of Great Britain; and
72 deg. 57 min. 15 sec. west of the Republican Observatory at Paris, in
France. But will serve for any of the adjacent states.

and sold by John & Thomas Fleet, at the Bible and Heart, Cornhill.
Where may be had their Register & pocket almanack, for 1799. (Copy
rights secured.), Boston:, [1798]

[24] p. ;  (12mo)

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